Wills And Estates

Many people put off drafting a will because they think estate planning is only for the rich or the old. In fact, families can greatly benefit from estate planning no matter what their income level may be, and it's never too early to start planning your financial future. What's more, there are some aspects of estate planning that may be more effective when you get started on them at a younger age.

At Campany, McArdle & Randall, PLLC, our skilled lawyers help people from all walks of life, and at many different stages in life, to plan for the future with wills, trusts and other estate planning tools. We also help people move estates through the often difficult probate process, and we help families care for their vulnerable loved ones through guardianships and elder law.

Estate Planning Is For Everyone

To understand why estate planning is for everyone, it's important to first understand some basics about estates and probate.

When a person passes away, a probate court must determine how to distribute his or her assets and debts. If there is a valid will, the court distributes assets according to the will. If not, the court relies upon guidelines under state law. These guidelines are meant to distribute assets to the closest living relatives. As a result, your estate can end up going to relatives you hardly knew, while close friends are left out. What's more, the process can be time-consuming and expensive, and those costs come out of the estate. That means there will be less money to distribute among the heirs.

By creating a will and other estate planning documents, you not only make your wishes clear, you help your loved ones preserve assets, avoid headaches and possible heartaches.

Trusts Customized For Many Needs

Everyone should have a will, but many families can also benefit from having a trust. A trust is a way of a dividing ownership of assets between a trustee, who oversees the administration of the assets, and the beneficiaries, who receive the assets. A trust is nearly unparalleled as a means of asset protection, so it can provide for loved ones or favorite charities for many years to come.

There are many different types of trusts, and they can be customized to fit many different needs and circumstances. Trusts can go into effect upon one person's death, along with the person's will, or they can go into effect while the person is still alive.

Get Started

The skilled attorneys at Campany, McArdle & Randall, PLLC, can help you and your family with a variety of issues in real estate, estate planning, elder law and probate. We also help with elder law, including guardianships, Medicaid planning and other matters. Get started preparing for the future by contacting our office today at 315-376-9445. You can also contact us by email.

Campany, McArdle & Randall, PLLC, has offices in Lowville, New York, and represents clients in Lewis County and throughout New York's North Country.